Ep 0044: Inventions

The Habit Comedy Podcast
The Habit Comedy Podcast
Ep 0044: Inventions

What are the best inventions in the history of mankind? What makes a good invention? Which inventions have withstood the test of time? 

These all would have been good things for us to discuss. Pity. Oh well. At least you can hear about yellow first down markers and blow jobs.

Featuring Mark Siano, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell. Special guest appearances by Jonathan Taylor Thomas.

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2 Replies to “Ep 0044: Inventions”

  1. I object to the similarity of the image from Episode 20 to this episode. Jeff clearly reached into the ‘kitchen drawer’ of images he had on hand rather than going out looking for a new image of, oh I don’t know… Fire? The Wheel? A Blow (deleted)?

  2. Oh, the pain! (A poem by Uncle Rob)
    To return on a Monday at noon,
    And find no new episode’s tune.
    Frustration! I ball up my fists!

    Zero’s a number I hate,
    When it defines my lunch-time fate,
    For Habit podcast lists! (‘ning)

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