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Here we go — it’s Zero hour for an all new Habit Comedy Podcast as they draft the best Hours of the Day. What’s your favorite time? Is Happy Hour all that great? When is the best time for a duel? No matter what time of day it is for you, find out now.
Featuring Ryan Dobosh, David Swidler, Jeff Schell, and special guest star Jonathan “Taylor” Thomas.
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For a complete library of past episodes of The Habit Comedy Podcast, visit www.TheHabitComedy.com.
Ryan killed this draft. “Killed” as in ‘nailed it’, ‘beat the snot out of it’ or ‘hit it out of the park’. No idea why those are all such violent terms for what should be a good thing, but there you have it. Ryan’s Finest Hour. Jeff had some solid hits (sticking with the baseball analogy for now) not only in his draft choices but with the new background musical effects – brilliant. Speaking of music, it occurred to me that when the end-music starts my eyes automatically dart to the timer on the playback to see how much time will be devoted to the ‘outtakes’. I’ve come to enjoy those almost as much as the draft (and the opening banter, and Ryan’s bits [wait, he never does bits, thanks to David “Bittus-Interruptus” Swidler] and the Walk-Ons and the Suck-Its).
Customer: “7:30 but we may be late” … Ryan: “We may just give your table away”. Archimedes-quality comeback (Not to be confused with the Archimedes Screw, though I can see why you might think that).