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What REALLY annoys you? Inefficiency? Selfishness? Racism? The Habit digs deep into the human psyche to share their biggest gripes as they draft THE BEST PET PEEVES. Trigger warning: Increasingly Drunk Ryan.
Featuring Ryan Dobosh, David Swidler, Jeff Schell, and special guest star Jonathan Taylor Thomas.
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For a complete library of past episodes of The Habit Comedy Podcast, visit www.TheHabitComedy.com.
TIL what Vaguebooking is. Did not need another reason to despise FB because I got a lot to deal with already . Not that anyone cares – I accept this – but this draft had more than its fair share of Ryan-made-me-laugh-out-loud moments. At the risk of triggering someone whose pet peeve is People Repeating Others’ Comedy Bits, I give you…
“Nice penis” and “Here’s ten dollars. Is it a five? I don’t know”. These are only funny in context, so stop reading Uncle Rob’s Stupid Comments and listen for yourself. Or, if you did listen but missed these jewels of impromptu comedy, go buy yourself a sense of humor and listen again.
Jeff and Ryan tie with 3 good picks each. Oh, and here’s another pet peeve: People Who Judge The Work Of Others Despite Not Being Able To Do That Work Themselves.