What makes a good Muppet? Does Sesame Street count? How do you rate streetwise stoop bum Oscar the Grouch? The Habit drafts the very best Muppets. Featuring David Swidler, Ryan Dobosh, Lucas Thayer, and Jeff Schell. Special guest appearances by Jonathan Taylor Thomas. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate and review us on iTunes and Spotify. If you don’t, the […]
Lucas Thayer
Ep 0037: Cartoon Dads

In honor of Father’s Day, The Fantasy Draft Podcast drafts The Best Cartoon Dads, from television or film.
Featuring Lucas Thayer, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell. Special guest appearances by the honorable Judge Reinhold.
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Ep 0036: Songs of the 90s

Which songs best typified the 1990s? Which albums have stood the test of time? The Fantasy Draft Podcast takes you back 28 years to draft The Best Songs of the 90s.
Featuring Lucas Thayer, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell. Special guest appearances by the honorable Judge Reinhold.
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Ep 0032: Smells

What are the best smells? Flowers, food, farts? Take a whiff on The Fantasy Draft Podcast as we draft the Best Smells.
Featuring Mark Siano, Lucas Thayer, and Jeff Schell. Special guest appearances by the honorable Judge Reinhold.
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Ep 0031: Exercises

Need something to listen to while you work out? Let The Fantasy Draft Podcast help distract you as they draft the Best Exercises.
Featuring David Swidler, Lucas Thayer, and Jeff Schell. Special guest appearances by the honorable Judge Reinhold.
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Ep 0029: Chores

Is it garbage day? Time to do the dishes? Pop in some earbuds and let the The Fantasy Draft Podcast take your mind off the task at hand, as we draft the best CHORES. Tip: spell out the alphabet while sweeping, it’ll go faster.
Feautring Lucas Thayer, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell. Special guest appearances by the honorable Judge Reinhold.
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Ep 0017: Hats Fantasy Draft

Put your thinking cap on: what are the best hats? Lucas Thayer, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell try for a hat trick with their trio of picks. Lucas gets a bee in his bonnet over the draft rules. Ryan can’t keep his OJ Simpson news under his hat. Jeff tips his hat to the beaver trappers of Frontier America.
Ep 0004: Breakfast Food Fantasy Draft

Lucas Thayer, John Osebold, Ryan Dobosh, and Jeff Schell debate the best breakfast foods, and entangle themselves in the age old “pancakes vs waffles” debate, while collectively try to understand chicken-fried steak. Jeff unleashes his daddy issues. Ryan is offended by cottage cheese. Luke treats us to an amazing dog impression. Special guest appearance by Billy Dee Williams.